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- To the one known as Garfield,
- > On 16-Jun-97, Keith Hill wrote:
- > >BTW, liked the demo, but move your enemies in bigger increments.
- > Bigger increments? Does it seem slow? I haven't had any
- > feedback until now, and I thought it was just about right.
- For my money, the best scrolling shooter is the original defender,
- which looks and feels blindingly fast. A lot of later ones feel much
- slower, even though in programmer terms they are faster. Perhaps simple
- weighting on the joypad controls, so you move faster the longer you hold
- it down would help. More sensitive controls ?
- > Anyway, that demo is really "out-dated" and there will be a new
- > one mixing "stupid" enemies who have some nice motions (using
- > the EMD) with "intelligent" enemies which won't have quite so
- > fancy motions, but will home-in, etc.
- Mine will be (shortly) shooting straight at the player. Move that Bubba
- out the way !
- > I can't make the Dx/Dy of the enemies too large as, inevitably,
- > the frame-rate will be dropping back to 25/30fps by the time the
- > stage is complete, and this looks very bad when combined with
- > "jumpy" bobs!!
- > I will make the best compromise possible...
- Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Remember people can only SEE about 24
- frames per second, you'll get the balance right. 'jumpy' bobs are bad, but
- they must feel fast. The flightplans will take care of that. No one pixel
- increments..
- > > Keith Hill's original recipe for a top-notch shooter...
- > >aliens that shoot back
- > HA!HA! Yes, in a rare moment of insight I had figured out that we
- > really need some enemies actually firing at the player...
- What, really ? Hehehe.
- > >black holes
- > Actually, it would be cool to have these black holes pulling you
- > in. The closer you get, the more they pull... I like it!!
- Yup, thought you might.. Crank up those thrusters. Hmm, there's an idea.
- Thought about having a speed control on the ship ? Or just a thrust button ?
- > >laser jamming stations
- > Another interesting idea. Should at least give the player the
- > chance to take 'em out, so it would be best if the jamming
- > effect increased the closer you are to them. I like this too!!
- They could even fire actual lasers directly at you... (rotten alien gits)
- Hmm, think I'll have a laser field generating thingy at the end of one of my
- levels as well. Cool.
- > >smegging asteroid fields (always good)
- > There is an entire phase devoted to a bunch of rocks...
- > >space spiders making webs for you to fly into...
- > Been watching ST a bit too long, haven't you? HA! Yes, this is
- I was going to grab a lot more ideas from ST.. Decloaking ships, phasers,
- photon torpedos, cubes trying to assimilate Bubba's ship.. Space Stations ??
- > certainly original and would be quite easy to implement in the
- > shooter. I don't want to "steal" this from your SH stage, so let
- > me know what you think. Status pending...
- Ok, I'll see if I can figure out the way to do it for the SH stage and see
- how it works out. If it's really cool, an earlier idea may spoil it, or
- enhance the tension. Not sure how that'll go.
- > GREAT work Keith, you have all but completed the Phase One
- > design. THANKS!! That's one less thing for me to do (HA!).
- No probs !
- > >(looks like we ended up working on a game together anyway..)
- > Yes, and the artists are still working so, I'll let you know when I
- > receive the remaining gfx...
- Cool. I'll post more spider ideas for the graphic guys later. (That was a
- hint, we both want spiders !!) Actually, on the thing-with-too-many-legs
- subject, how about some nice big unfriendly insects to blow the smeg out
- of ?
- Music guys (or is it just EJS?): Just as a thought, are you leaving enough
- channels free for soundFX for in game music ? If I go with this spider idea
- I'll also need some way creepy music.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ |
- |_> |_| |_| |\ | |_ | | | / | | "How dare you look like someone
- |_> | \ | | | \| |_ |_ |_| \_ . | I hate ?!"
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- --------------+---------------
- http://www.mirex.demon.co.uk